Kultur- og samfundsfaggruppe

HF på Museum – “museologi light”

HF på Museum – “museologi light”



2 HF skal på studietur i Skotland. Klassen skal besøge en række museer, og arbejde med de ting, de finder ud af dér. Hvordan er det nu lige, man gør? Hvilke slags museer er der, og hvad kan de tilbyde den besøgende?

For at være godt rustet til oplevelserne, bruger vi ½ dag på Skive Museum og Skive Kunstmuseum til at snakke museologi, lave analyser, fremlægge for hinanden osv.



Skive Gymnasium og HF og Muserum tidl. Museum Salling


Engelsk, Kultur- og samfundsfaggruppe

Årgang og evt. studieretning

2 HF

September: besøg på Skive Museum/Skive Kunstmuseum – oplæg ved Mette Dyrberg og lærere, arbejde individuelt og i små grupper, fremlæggelser på stedet.

Oktober: studietur til Edinburgh, Skotland med fagene ks og engelsk. Vi besøger både kulturhistoriske museer og kunstmuseer.
Kursisterne har forskellige (bitte)små skriveopgaver undervejs (f.eks. “skriv 10 adjektiver om…”, notér titel, kunstner, årstal på et udvalgt værk/en udvalgt genstand, og skriv 3 linier om, hvad du finder interessant ved den”).

Efter hjemkomsten viderebehandles noterne – vi diskuterer museernes formidlingsmetoder, og der er krav om aflevering af forskellige typer tekster – fra spøgelseshistorier og fiktive “dagbogsnotater” f.eks. anno 1297 over digte til sagprosatekster om udvalgte museumsgenstande – altsammen på engelsk, selvfølgelig.


mdtl oplæg, skriveopgaver i engelsk


På museet inden turen var opgaven at vælge et værk ud, lave en beskrivelse af værket, forklare hvorfor det blev valgt, og “digte en historie” henover det, for så at fremlægge mdtl for de andre foran værket. Hjemme, effter turen til Skotland, var skriveopgaverne flg.:

2q – Writing Tasks – Edinburgh/Scotland 2010   round 2


Please choose two of the following assignments. Write two individual texts, and hand both of them in (in one file) on October 28 (via lectio). Remember to mark clearly what assignments you have chosen. If you have relevant pictures, feel free to include them in your assignment.

The assignments must be based on notes from different experiences (i.e.: not two texts written on the basis of the same notes).

1. On the basis of your notes from Monday (Ghost Tour), write a short “ghost story”. Length of the story: about 200 words. Hand in your original notes with the story.

2. On the basis of your notes from Monday (Ghost Tour), write a short “story from the past”. Length of the story: about 200 words. Hand in your original notes with the story.

3. On the basis of your notes from Edinburgh Castle, write the text in a tourist leaflet about the Castle – aimed at teenagers. The text should attempt to convince the readers that Edinburgh Castle is worth a visit. Hand in your original notes with the text. Length: about 200 words.

4. On the basis of your notes from Edinburgh Castle, imagine that you were a person (soldier, maid, Queen, whatever…) living there some hundred years ago. Write an entry in that person’s diary: “Dear Diary, today I…” Length: about 200 words. Hand in your original notes with the text.

5. On the basis of your notes from the National Museum of Scotland write a description of the thing you chose and give your views on its relation to Scottish identity. Length: about 200 words. Hand in your original notes with the text.

6. On the basis of your notes from the National Museum of Scotland write a piece of fiction in which you tell the story of how the thing you chose was used in an actual situation (or perhaps how it was made, by whom, how?).. Length: about 200 words. Hand in your original notes with the text.

7. On the basis of your notes from Wednesday (Highlands >< Edinburgh), write a poem in which you focus on the different experiences of being in the City of Edinburgh and in the Highlands. Length: at least 20 lines. Hand in your original notes with the poem.

8. On the basis of your notes from Wednesday (Highlands >< Edinburgh), write a love poem in which you use the two settings, either literally or as symbolic pictures of the kind of love you describe. Length: at least 20 lines. Hand in your original notes with the poem.
