intrface europe
Erasmus+ projektet intrface europe er nu slut. Partnerne har udarbejdet en europæisk metodologi for samarbejde mellem museer og skoler og for planlægning af undervisningsforløb, der bygger på og inddrager det bedste af de to typer institutioner. Metoden og best-practice eksempler er beskrevet i håndbogen “intrface europe – A European Methodology for Museum-School Collaboration and Coursework”. Desuden har partnerne udarbejdet en pixi-udgave af den del af metoden, som handler om museum-skole samarbejde samt en pixi-udgave af den del af metoden, som handler om planlægningen af museum-skole undervisningsforløb.
Læs en kort introduktion – på engelsk – til projektet nedenfor.
Here is a very brief intro to the project:
Goals of the Erasmus+ intrface europe project
A: The formulation of a methodologies for:
– developing sustainable partnerships between schools and museums in Europe
– developing, carrying out, evaluating and sharing museum-based coursework for school students in Europe
B: The formulation of examples of European best practice regarding such partnerships and coursework
There are five main goals of the project’s museum-school collaboration
1. The first is to strengthen and sustain collaboration between schools and local museums on the development, implementation and evaluation of museum-based coursework, targeted at students of different ages and relevant to their school curriculum.
2. The second is to make local museums accessible, familiar and relevant to students by ensuring that as much of the coursework as possible takes place at the museum, with museum staff and teachers working together on equal terms to provide an immersive learning experience for the students.
3. The third is to establish a network of schools and cultural institutions nationally, each of which can, with its own special characteristics, contribute to the education of students by enhancing their curriculum.
4. The fourth is to promote relationships between teachers and students from different schools and classes, thus facilitating the development of meaningful vertical curriculum.
5. The fifth is to facilitate collaboration between schools and museums across borders in Europe in order to improve and extend students’ learning experiences with museums abroad by organizing coursework and workshops that align with their school curriculum.
The following institutions are partners in the project:
From Denmark
Danmarks Industrimuseum, Horsens (lead partner)
Ole Puggaard
Horsens Gymnasium, Horsens
Sally Thorhauge
Elsebeth Petersen
Aarhus Katedralskole, Aarhus
Karen Vibe-Pedersen
Mette Wilkens
Anders Ølsgaard Larsen
School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University, Aarhus
Gertrud Latif Knudsen
From the Republic of Ireland
Chester Beatty Library, Dublin
Jenny Siung
St. Oliver’s College Drogheda
Miriam Gaynor
From Italy
The Museum of Physics, Pavia
Valentina Cani
The Department of Physics, Pavia University, Pavia
Patrizia Contardini
Lidia Falomo Bernarduzzi
Andrea Vai
Istituto Comprensivo di via Acerbi, Pavia
Maurizia Merlo
Daniela Poma
Istituto Superiore Taramelli Foscolo, Pavia
Laura Pavesi
May 4-5, 2017, Pavia, Italy
This is the fourth partner meeting of the intrface europe project. The main goal of this meeting is to put together what we have learned about our methodology from using it to develop and carry out coursework for our students. Another goal is to work out the Multiplier Event on Oct. 9 in Aarhus. So we will be busy…
October 9, 2017, Aarhus, Denmark
intrface europe international conference: Building museum – school partnerships and learning experiences across European borders
• Follow-up research on partnership collaboration
More details to follow after May 15, 2017
Den 28. august 2015: Se omtale af intrface europe på Region Midts EU side her.
Foreningens sekretariat har taget initiativ til et toårigt EU projekt under Erasmus+
Projektet er blevet tildelt støtte og går i gang november 2015.
Tak til Åse Nielsen, Berit Christiansen og Emil Hundrup Rasmussen, Region Midtjyllands EU kontor i Bruxelles, for stor støtte under hele ansøgningsprocessen.
Præ-projekt møde, Bruxelles
Den 27. januar 2015 deltog Sally Thorhauge og Ole Puggaard sammen med repræsentanter fra de øvrige partnere i et førprojektmøde på Region Midtjyllands EU (CDEU) kontor i Bruxelles.
Åse Højlund Nielsen og Emil Hundrup Rasmussen, begge EU kontoret, tog imod de fremmødte partnere og faciliterede mødet.
Et vigtigt formål med mødet var, at vi fik mulighed for at lære hinanden at kende, høre om hinandens erfaring inden for skole-museum partnerskabsamarbejde, og om hvad man planlagde at bidrage med til projektet. Ydermere fordelte vi projektets mange “work packages” mellem os og blev enige om et tidsplan for projektfaserne og dets “intellectual outputs”.
Se omtale af mødet på CDEU kontoret her.